Medisensonic has acquired a 100% of Deventiv Ltd.


Acquiring 100 percent of the shares of Deventiv, a Silesian company working on an intra-oral scanner which examines the condition of the oral cavity, is bound to enrich Medisensonic’s portfolio with an innovative product that is patent-protected both on European and overseas markets, e.g. in the US, China and Korea.

“Deventiv is a company which has brought its product to Technology Readiness Level 6 as regards research and development work and there were several reasons for acquiring this company’s shares”, Robert Gromada, the CEO of Medisensonic, enumerates. “First of all, for a few years, consolidating the dental products market has been a global trend, which perfectly ties up with what our company does on a daily basis. Second of all, together with Dr Marcin Binkowski, the author of that project, we intend to carry out further work on preparing a prototype of an automatic intra-oral scanner, which is a very welcome enrichment of our offer for dentists. In fact, we have devised a tool for monitoring the condition of the dental pulp which is now undergoing the last phase of clinical trials”.

Read more about the acquisition of Deventiv in Jolanty Czudak’s article on the Innovation Leaders website.

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